Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Oohh So Sccaarrryyyy!

Hello my fellow eBay followers. Today I am featuring a piece for sale that's a bit odd. Yeah, hmm odd doesn't even describe it. Ok, very, very weird and Bizarre!

Its a luggage piece that I acquired a few weeks ago at an Antique Rummage sale. You know one of those outdoor massive garage/rummage sales, but this one was specifically for vintage and antiques.

I found this amazing luggage piece, and I was so exited to get it, repaint it and used it in my garage that I will soon be remodeling as a craft room. I thought it would be so decorative but could also hold something like my paint brushes or maybe spools of thread.

Well soon after bringing it home, some very strange things started happenening. Well you'll just have to read more here to find out the whole story. And hopefully if your interested in paranormal activity you'll purchase it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Well, I'm not exactly one of the newsboys that hawked newspapers in chanting out Extra, Extra,Read All About It! But I am here today to let you know about the Ga-jillions of magazines I have listed right now for sale. Ok, maybe a little bit of an exaggeration, however I have A whole lotta em! A lot of them are from popular magazines such as Ok, Star, Glamour, Cosmo, Vogue, Maxim, GQ, Allure, ESPN and more, and most of them are issues dated back to last year.

So why would I go through so much trouble to get rid of magazines that are from last year. Well most of them are brand new for one, but also because I know that there are people out there that had wished they had a particlular issuse that they missed out on, lost or is damaged. I also know there are magazines collectors out there too, that would be dying to get their oily little prints on them :)

Its not secret too, that I am a fan of vintage. So naturally I am selling Vintage Magazines too. These are Computer Magazines dated all the way back as far as 1982 through 1988. I have Machine Design, Compute, Byte Computes Gazette, and Mechanical Engineering! Yay!

Click on images below to be directed to the auction. Don't worry keep scrolling down their all exiting magazines!