Hi there, Welcome to Fantastically Pedtastic by the eBay lady.
This of course is my very first blog post on this site! My purpose is to direct costumers to my ebay store by writing about my items I have for sale, here on this blog.
An ebay seller's items can get lost in the sea of auctions. So from the advise of a very wise eBay Seller: Tristian OBrien of The Ebay Entrepreneur, I am now going to blog about items for sell on here.
A little about me, because everyone wants to know about the author right?
Well, I am in my Mid-Thirties and a Nurse. I love being creative, decorating, boating, shopping and Margarita's. I take that back, I LOVE Margarita's.
I have been selling on ebay for about 4 years now. It was mainly just here in there in the beginning. But in May of 2010, I got serious. I had a lot of debt, and had no money to for my vacation that I had planned for months. So, what could I do, charge it? That would have been the easiest way, but I was desperately trying to pay off my debt, and starting to make real progress. I just couldn't see charging more, in fact, I had cut up my credit cards, all but one, which I said would be for only extreme emergencies.
So, there I was broke and depressed that I would have to cancel my vacation. The one vacation, that I work so hard for every year, only now I couldn't go. Well, just when I had decided it was my fate to just stay home, a friend told me about how she sold things on ebay to pay for her vacation. I was like no way, what did you sell? Well, she told me her secrets, and I've been selling ever since. And now my best friend sells with me. Together we always have quite the collection of goodies.
Now sometimes my items for sale may seem odd to one person, but I know what sells. And sometimes I just try new things. So, if its a good honest person whom you'd like to buy from, well then I am your gal. If you have any questions or you are looking for something in particular just message me, chances are we have it, or know how to get our hands on it.
I also provide services such as custom invitations, announcements, flyers, Save the Dates and more. I can also make customized logo's for your blog or website, I made the one you see on top. In additon to those services, I also do guest blogging, of course its for an affordable fee. Just message me if you are interested in any of those services.
Thank you for checking out my Blog!
great new blog! you have a concept, and love the banner and the design. :) i am following you now on google. i'd be honored if we could stay connected. have a great day and all the best on your lovely blog. :)